
wedding registry: when to register

Happy Wednesday!  The weekend is in sight friends...just hang tight!

Today I thought I would address a question that many of you have asked:

"When should I register?"  

My immediate reaction is to say register as soon as possible after your engagement.  (Note, this does not mean you should, under any circumstances, register BEFORE your engagement...even if you have seen the ring and know the question is coming in a matter of days- don't go there.)  My suggested timeline would be to get engaged, CELEBRATE, set a date, then register.

ring / champagne / calendar / gifts
As people hear about your engagement, they may want to purchase a small gift of congratulations.  While they may or may not look to a registry to purchase a gift like this, people always appreciate any guidance you can provide via a registry about your preferences.  Also, people will begin throwing showers and engagement parties.  Often guests will look for your registry in order to purchase gifts for these celebrations.

If all else fails, you MUST be registered before your wedding invitations are mailed.  Once guests receive invitations, a number of them will want to send you a wedding gift in advance of the big day.  The formal wedding invitation is the trigger for many people to not only RSVP, but also to search for your registry....SO make sure it's there and up to date!

If you have a wedding registry question, feel free to email me, leave me a comment, or post your question on the "Ask a Wedding Registry Question" page at the top of the blog!


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